America’s Gift in The Eastern Door

America’s Gift in The Eastern Door

By Jordan Standup, The Eastern Door, July 10, 2009, p. 24

If the title isn’t intriguing enough, in just 271 pages you have the opporunity to learn what your ancestors used and created, alon with how those things are applied today.

The book written by Käthe Roth and Denis Vaugeois, opens with a lengthy introduction explaining that a similar version of the same books was first published in French and Spanish before being considered for English printing.

While thumbing through the first half dozen or so pages, readers might wonder what they’ll learn from this book. Readers will find a list of words that relate to Aboriginal people and the words’ specific role today.

Think of it as a very descriptive and much more interesting version of a dictionary, except that every item has something to do with your ancestors.

Still not quite up to speed? Here’s a small excerpt from the book as an example.

“Annedda: From Iroquois. The Iroquois recommended that Jacques Cartier use the bark of the annedda tree to cure his crew of scurvy.”

Because it reads differently from other books out there, it could be a bit of a task and at times feels a bit awkward, jumping from subject to subject. It is a lot to take in all at once.

Perhaps the most interesting subject in my opinion was about root beer.

“Root Bear: The Indigenous people of North America used sassafras and sarsaparilla infusions to make a medicinal potion. In the nineteenth century, when the patent-medecine fad was sweeping American and European markets, entrepreneurs discovered this formula, added sugar and carbonated water, and marketed it. According ot advertising of the time, “Indian Root Beers brought rapid relief from a variety of ills.”

Tell me that’s not interesting.

The book is filled with little gems throughout.

You can also find some information on different itemsthat you’d expece to see in a book about Aboriginal people such as canoes, tomahawks and snowshoes.

As the title suggests, the book covers all different kinds of indigenous people, including those as far down south as Brazil and Chile.

One of the best aspects of the book is that not only is it an interesting read for just about any age, but it is also a great reference for research.

This book would be a nice addition to any library of school.

At just 271 pages, the book can literally be read in one sitting. I would know because I did it. To be honest, it took nearly as long to produce this review as it did to read the book.

America’s Gift will be available in September, but those interest in more information about the book, the authors or the publisher could visit