

Leila Marshy Appointed Fiction Editor at Baraka Books

(Montreal, 13 June 2024) Robin Philpot, Publisher of Baraka Books, is very pleased to announce the appointment of Leila Marshy to the position of Fiction Editor at Baraka Books. In this position, Leila’s responsibilities will include curating the publishing of fiction at Baraka Books from choice of books, with the publisher, through editing, proofreading, production and post-publishing follow-up. Leila will also help with our nonfiction books and with promotions and social media.
Leila Marshy has been working with Baraka Books since the beginning of 2024. Moreover, Baraka Books will publish Leila’s books of short stories entitled My Thievery of the Peoplein early 2025.
She joins the Baraka Books team that includes Mélissa Bull, Fiction Editor of the QC Fiction imprint, Josée Lalancette, Production Manager and Book Designer, Anne Marie Marko, chief copy editor, Hélène Couture, Accountant, and Robin Philpot, Publisher.


Leila Marshy is a Montreal writer and editor of Palestinian-Newfoundland parentage. During the First Intifada, she worked for the Palestinian Red Crescent, the Palestinian Mental Health Association, and Medical Aid for Palestine. In 2011 she founded Friends of Hutchison, a groundbreaking community group bringing Hasidic and non-Hasidic neighbours together in dialogue. Her stories have been published in journals and anthologies in the U.S. and Canada. She was editor of the online arts and culture magazine, The Rover, and served as Associate Publisher at Linda Leith Publishing for several years. Her first novel, The Philistine, was published in 2018 and in French in 2021.

Baraka books is a Quebec-based English-language book publisher specializing in creative and political non-fiction, history and historical fiction, and fiction. We believe books are a haven of freedom and that they remain the foremost vector for change. The wordbaraka is used in many languages and cultures and, depending on the language, can mean blessing, wisdom, luck, and more. Inspired by this multilingual and cross-cultural word, Baraka Books is committed to providing English-speaking readers in Canada and worldwide with ideas, points of view, and creative works that might otherwise be overlooked because of cultural or linguistic barriers.

QC Fiction, an imprint of Baraka Books founded by Peter McCambridge in 2015, brings the very best of a new generation of Quebec storytellers in flawless English translation. Mélissa Bull took over as Fiction Editor of the imprint in February 2024.


Leila Marshy nommée éditrice de fiction chez Livres Baraka

(Montréal, le 13 juin 2024) Robin Philpot, éditeur de Livres Baraka Inc., a le plaisir d’annoncer la nomination de Leila Marshy au poste d’éditrice de fiction chargée de la fiction publiée par Baraka. À ce titre, parmi ses responsabilités figurent le choix des œuvres à publier avec le concours de l’éditeur, le travail d’édition, de correction, et le suivi de la production jusqu’à la parution et le suivi. Leila participera aussi à notre production d’essais ainsi qu’à la promotion et aux réseaux sociaux.
Leila Marshy travaille avec Baraka depuis début 2024. De plus, nous publierons début 2025 sa nouvelle collection de nouvelles intitulée My Thievery of the People. 
Leila se joint à l’équipe de Baraka qui comprend notamment Mélissa Bull, directrice littéraire de la collection QC Fiction, Josée Lalancette, directrice de production et graphiste, Anne Marie Marko, correctrice principale, Hélène Couture, comptable, et Robin Philpot, éditeur.
Leila Marshy est une écrivaine et éditrice montréalaise dont les parents viennent de la Palestine et de Terre-Neuve. Pendant la Première Intifada, elle a travaillé pour le Croissant-Rouge palestinien, l’Association palestinienne pour la santé mentale et l’Aide médicale à la Palestine. En 2011, elle a fondé Les Amis de la rue Hutchison, un groupe communautaire révolutionnaire réunissant des voisins hassidiques et non hassidiques dans un dialogue. Élle a été rédactrice de la revue d’arts et de culture en ligne, The Rover, et a travaillé à titre d’éditrice associée chez Linda Leith Publishing pendant quelques années. Ses nouvelles ont paru des revues et anthologies aux États-Unis et au Canada. Son premier roman, La Philistine, a été publié en 2018 en anglais et en français en 2021.

Les livres Baraka est une maison d’édition québécoise fondée en 2009 qui publie des livres en anglais, notamment des essais politiques et littéraires, des livres d’histoire et de la fiction. Nous croyons que le livre est un havre de liberté et demeure le plus important vecteur du changement. Le mot baraka, qui existe dans plusieurs langues, signifie, selon la langue, notamment la bénédiction, la sagesse ou la chance. Inspiré par ce mot qui traverse langues et cultures, Baraka s’engage à offrir aux lecteurs et aux lectrices de langue anglaise au Canada et partout des idées, des points de vue et des œuvres de création qui, autrement, pourraient passer inaperçues en raison de barrières linguistiques et culturelles.

QC Fiction, une collection de Livres Baraka fondée en 2015 par Peter McCambridge, publie les meilleures œuvres d’une nouvelle génération d’écrivaines et d’écrivains du Québec dans des traductions impeccables. Mélissa Bull a pris la relève à titre de directrice littéraire de QC Fiction en février 2024.

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Source : Robin Philpot 514-808-8504

Launch of Dear Haider by Lili Zeng – 12 June 2024

Robin Philpot, publisher of Baraka Books, and
Librairie n’était-ce pas l’été
 are pleased to invite you to

the launch of

the launch of



Lili Zeng

Wednesday June 12

6 to 8 pm

Librairie n’était-ce pas l’été
6792, boul. Saint-Laurent
Montréal H2S 3C7


“Zeng’s awe-inspiring debut novel is a fearless and courageous narrative of first love, loss, despair, and ultimately of hope and healing. Truly, a testament to the resilience and enduring faith of the human spirit!”

— Mary Anne Levasseur, caregiver and youth mental health advocate
Robin Philpot, éditeur chez Baraka Books, et
Librairie n’était-ce pas l’été ont le plaisir de vous inviter
au lancement de



Lili Zeng

le mercredi 12 juin

18 h à 20 h

Librairie n’était-ce pas l’été
6792, boul. Saint-Laurent
Montréal H2S 3C7


« Ce premier roman impressionnant de Zeng est un récit courageux et audacieux sur le premier amour, la perte, le désespoir et, finalement, l’espoir et la guérison. Vraiment, un témoignage de la résilience et de la foi durable de l’esprit humain ! »
Mary Anne Levasseur, soignante et défenseure de la santé mentale des jeunes

BLOSSOM THOM 1967 – 2024 – May she rest in peace!

(16 April 2024) – Baraka Books has just learned with extreme sadness that Blossom Thom, Fiction Editor at Baraka Books, passed away this morning after a short but courageous fight against a very aggressive form of cancer. She will be sorely missed.

Our most sincere condolences go out to her family and many friends. We will be communicating more news and a homage in coming days

Robin Philpot, Publisher

Quebec Authors photographed at Quebec Writer’s Federation May 15, 2010

LAUNCH/Lancement-BUT WE BUILT ROADS FOR THEM by Francesco Filippi

The Italian Cultural Institute and Baraka Books are pleased to invite you to the launch of
The Lies, Racism and Amnesia that Bury Italy’s Colonial Past
translation of:
Noi Però Gli Abbiamo Fatto Le Strade
Le colonie italiane tra bugie, razzismi e amnesie

Translated by Domenic Cusmano
A discussion about Italy’s colonial history.

Tuesday, March 19, 6:30 p.m.

Istituto Italiano di Cultura
1200, av. Dr. Penfield, Montréal

Author Francesco Filippi will be present at the Institute and will be speaking to the public in Italian with consecutive interpretation in French. The discussion will be moderated by Dario Brancato, Professor of Italian Language, Literature and Culture and Concordia. Translator Domenic Cusmano and Publisher Robin Philpot will also take part.


L’Institut Culturel Italien et Baraka Books ont le plaisir de vous inviter au lancement du livre
The Lies, Racism and Amnesia that Bury Italy’s Colonial Past

traduction de:
Noi Però Gli Abbiamo Fatto Le Strade
Le colonie italiane tra bugie, razzismi e amnesie

Traduit par Domenic Cusmano

Une discussion sur le passé colonial italien.

L’auteur, Francesco Filippi, sera présent à l’Institut pour une rencontre avec le public en langue italienne, avec traduction consécutive en français. L’entretien sera animé par Dario Brancato, professeur de langue, littérature et culture italiennes à l’Université Concordia, avec le traducteur du livre, Domenic Cusmano et de l’éditeur Robin Philpot.

Mardi, le 19 mars, 18h30

Istituto Italiano di Cultura
1200, av. Dr. Penfield, Montréal


Melissa Bull Appointed Fiction Editor of QC Fiction

(Montreal, 26 February 2024.) Robin Philpot, publisher of Baraka Books, is very pleased to announce the appointment of Melissa Bull to the position of Fiction Editor of QC Fiction, an imprint of Baraka Books. Melissa will be taking over from Peter McCambridge, who founded QC Fiction in 2015 and headed it until January 2024.

In this position, Melissa’s responsibilities will include curating the publishing of fiction at QC Fiction from choice of books, through editing, proofreading, production, and post-publishing follow-up.

Melissa Bull has just finished translating the award-winning novel Morel (Cheval d’août, 2021) by Maxime Raymond Bock, to be published by QC Fiction in June 2024.

Melissa joins the Baraka team that includes Blossom Thom, Fiction Editor of Baraka Books, Josée Lalancette, Production Manager, and Hélène Couture, Accountant, and Robin Philpot, Publisher.

Baraka Books would like to thank Peter McCambridge for creating QC Fiction and for curating it for seven years and making it into the award-winning imprint it is. We wish him all the best in is future endeavours.


Melissa Bull is a Montreal writer, poet, editor, and translator. Author of a collection of fiction, The Knockoff Eclipse, a collection of poetry, Rue, she has also translated Marie-Sissi Labrèche’s novel, Borderline, Pascale Rafie’s play, The Baklawa Recipe, and Nelly Arcan’s collection, Burqa of Skin. She was the editor and translator of Maisonneuve magazine’s “Writing from Quebec” column for a decade, and her fiction, essays, and interviews have been widely published. Her most recent translation is Morel by Maxime Raymond Bock. Melissa lives in Montreal.

QC Fiction, an imprint of Baraka Books founded by Peter McCambridge in 2015, brings the very best of a new generation of Quebec storytellers in flawless English translation.

Baraka Books, a Quebec-based English-language book publisher, is celebrating its 15th anniversary. Specializing in creative and political non-fiction, history, fiction and historical fiction, and, we believe that books are a haven of freedom and remain the foremost vector for change. Baraka can mean blessing, wisdom, luck, and more. Inspired by this multilingual and cross-cultural word, Baraka Books is committed to providing English-speaking readers in Canada and worldwide with ideas, points of view, and creative works that might otherwise be overlooked because of cultural or linguistic barriers.

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Source : Robin Philpot 514-808-8504

Melissa Bull nommée directrice littéraire de QC Fiction

(Montréal, le 26 février 2024.) Robin Philpot, éditeur de Livres Baraka Inc., a le plaisir d’annoncer la nomination de Melissa Bull au poste de directrice littéraire de QC Fiction, une collection de Baraka Books. Melissa prend ainsi le relais de Peter McCambridge, qui a fondé la collection en 2015 et l’a dirigée depuis.

À ce titre, parmi ses responsabilités figurent le choix des œuvres à publier, le travail d’édition, de correction, et le suivi de la production jusqu’à la publication et la promotion.

Melissa Bull vient de terminer la traduction de Morel (Cheval d’août, 2021) de Maxime Raymond Bock, un roman qui a mérité de nombreux prix et distinctions. Morel  paraîtra chez QC Fiction en juin 2024.

Melissa se joint à l’équipe de Baraka, qui comprend notamment Robin Philpot, éditeur, Blossom Thom, éditrice de fiction, Josée Lalancette, directrice de production, Hélène Couture, comptable, et.

Livres Baraka tient à remercier chaleureusement Peter McCambridge d’avoir créé la collection QC Fiction et de l’avoir dirigée durant ces sept années où elle a gagné en reconnaissance grâce aux nombreux prix et distinctions que ses livres ont reçues. Nous lui souhaitons bonne chance dans ses nouveaux projets.


Melissa Bull est une écrivaine, poète, éditrice et traductrice montréalaise. Auteure d’un recueil de fictions, The Knockoff Eclipse (Éclipse électrique) et d’un recueil de poésie, Rue, elle a également traduit le roman Borderline de Marie-Sissi Labrèche, la pièce de théâtre La recette de baklawas de Pascale Rafie, ainsi que le recueil Burqa de chair de Nelly Arcan. Elle a été rédactrice et traductrice de la rubrique « Writing from Quebec » du magazine Maisonneuve pendant dix ans, et ses fictions, essais et entrevues ont été diffusés dans de nombreuses publications. Sa plus récente traduction est le roman Morel de Maxime Raymond Bock. Melissa vit à Montréal.

QC Fiction, une collection de Livres Baraka fondée en 2015 par Peter McCambridge, publie les meilleures œuvres d’une nouvelle génération d’écrivaines et d’écrivains du Québec dans des traductions impeccables.

Les livres Baraka, une maison d’édition québécoise qui publie des livres en anglais, célèbre cette année son 15e anniversaire. Publiant des essais politiques et littéraires, des fictions historiques et contemporaines, nous croyons que le livre est un havre de liberté et demeure le plus important vecteur du changement. Baraka signifie, selon la langue, la bénédiction, la sagesse ou la chance. Inspirés par ce mot qui traverse langues et cultures, nous nous engageons à offrir aux lecteurs et aux lectrices de langue anglaise au Canada et partout des idées, des points de vue et des œuvres de création qui, autrement, pourraient passer inaperçues en raison de barrières linguistiques et culturelles.

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Source : Robin Philpot 514-808-8504

Baraka Books acknowledges the support of the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles du Québec (SODEC), the Government of Quebec Tax Credits program, and the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund.

Livres Baraka remercie pour leur soutien la Société de développement des entreprises culturelles du Québec (SODEC), le Gouvernement du Québec pour le programme de crédits d’impôt et le Gouvernement du Canada par le biais du Fonds du livre du Canada.

Publishers for Palestine: Statement of Solidarity

A statement from Publishers for Palestine calling for a ceasefire and denouncing repression of Palestinian solidarity.

(9 Nov. 2023)
We invite publishers, and those who work in publishing industries around the world, who stand for justice, freedom of expression, and the power of the written word, to sign this letter and join our global solidarity collective,
Publishers for Palestine.

We honour the courage, creativity, and resistance of Palestinians, their profound love of their historic lands, and their refusal to be erased, or grow silent, despite Israel’s horrific genocidal acts of violence. Against the chilling complicity of Western media and cultural industries, we find hope sparked by the surge of bodies and voices that continue to gather, write, speak, sing, combat falsehoods, and build community and solidarity across social media and on our streets, across the world.

Over the past month, we have witnessed Israel’s incessant bombardment of Gaza as a form of collective punishment, using banned phosphorous bombs and unusual new weapons, with the support of governments in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., France, Germany, Europe, and Australia. We have watched 1.1 million Palestinians flee their homes in the north, only to experience the brutal destruction of hospitals and spaces of shelter in schools, refugee camps, churches, and mosques in the south of Gaza. We are currently witnessing 2.3 million people, of whom 50% are children, being cruelly denied basic necessities of shelter, food, water, fuel, and electricity as Israel launches a ground invasion. Over 9,000 Palestinians have been killed thus far, along with entire generations of families that fled to Gaza during the Nakba of 1948. And with unbearable grief, we have watched Israel’s horrific killing of over 3,500 children. As Raz Segal, a Jewish scholar of Holocaust and genocide states: “Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza is quite explicit, open, and unashamed.”

Israel and Western powers are making a concerted attempt to extinguish dissent and maintain their faltering control. Across the publishing and media landscape since October 7th, 2023, the reprisals for speaking out have already been severe and extensive. We decry the killing of dozens of journalists in Gaza, including Mohamed Fayez Abu Matar, Saeed al-Taweel, Mohammed Sobh, Hisham Alnwajha, Mohammad Al-Salhi, Mohammad Jarghoun, Ahmed Shehab, Husam Mubarak, Mohammad Balousha, Issam Bhar, Salam Mema, Assaad Shamlakh, Ibrahim Mohammad Lafi, Khalil Abu Aathra, Sameeh Al-Nady, Abdulhadi Habib, Yousef Maher Dawas, and Roshdi Sarraj.

As cultural workers who pay careful attention to words and language, we note that this genocide was inaugurated with Israeli occupation military leaders using words such as “human animal” to justify their attacks on the civilians of Gaza. It is shocking to observe the use of such dehumanizing language from a people who have themselves experienced the same in the context of genocide. We are also reminded of the language of erasure and genocide embedded in the Zionist (and Christian) mythology of “A land without a people for a people without a land,” enacted by colonial Britain’s Balfour Declaration 106 years ago on November 2, 1917.  

These histories of white supremacist, colonial, and capitalist systems of erasure, extraction, and control are reflected in the current moment, even within the rarefied worlds of arts and culture. From the Frankfurt Book Fair/Litprom’s refusal to honour the award given to Palestinian author Adania Shibli (a letter of protest against this was signed by over 1,000 well-known writers), to the cancellation of author readings such Viet Thanh Nguyen at New York’s 92Y, and Mohammed el-Kurd at the University of Vermont, and the recent firing of David Velasco, the editor of Artforum magazine, Western literary and publishing organizations have revealed their deep imbrication in U.S. and Israeli political and economic interests by silencing and punishing writers who speak out for Palestine.  

We condemn the complicity of all those working within corporate and independent publishing who enable or condone such repression through their cowardice, silence, and cooperation with the demands of Israeli occupation and imperialist donors, funders, and governments. We condemn the policing and censorship of writers, the bullying and harassment of bookstore owners and staff, and the intimidation of publishing workers who are in solidarity with Palestinians. Publishing, for us, is the exercise of freedom, cultural expression, and resistance. As publishers we are dedicated to creating spaces for creative and critical Palestinian voices and for all who stand in solidarity against imperialism, Zionism, and settler-colonialism. We defend our right to publish, edit, distribute, share, and debate works that call for Palestinian liberation without recrimination. We know that this is our role in the resistance.

The silencing of Palestinian authors and writers only reinforces a fear of Palestinian literary resistance and contributes to the genocide of Palestinians and land theft. The same fear that is behind the bombs, the demolitions, the abductions, and the torture of Palestinian prisoners, is the fear that holds the Palestinian archives in Israeli control. As the writer Ghassan Kanafani said, “the Palestinian cause is not a cause for Palestinians only, but a cause for every revolutionary.” He reminds us that none of us are free until all of us are free. 

Now is the time to stand with Palestinians and step into a new era of anti-colonial resistance– an era that refuses the Oslo concessions and the normalization of ties with the Zionist state. Now is the time to remember and uphold other historical victories against settler-colonial regimes, such as the resistance that rid Algeria of its French colonizers. Now is the time to intensify our support for Palestinian liberation from Israel and its U.S. and European backers. Now is the time to build solidarity amongst us to collectively refuse intimidation, repression, fear, and violence. 

We call on our comrades, friends, and colleagues across various publishing industries to sign this letter and support the following demands:  


  • Stop the genocide and bring an end to all violence against Palestinian people in Gaza, the West Bank, across historic Palestine, and in the diaspora.
  • Hold Israel and its allies accountable for the war crimes they have committed. 
  • Assert the demands of Palestinian people to freedom, resistance, and return.
  • Uphold the call for boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) against Israeli apartheid. 
  • Assure that Palestinian voices should not be silenced from future international book fairs and literary festivals across the world. Instead, they should be invited as guests of honour to share their stories.
  • Commit to making the publishing industry a genuine site of learning and freedom of speech. As publishers we are dedicated to creating spaces for Palestinian voices and those who stand in solidarity against the war machine.


(If you work in the publishing industry and would like to add your name to this statement, please fill out this form.)

 First published on the Verso Books website.


AK Press, US & UK

Apostroph, Catalunya, Spain

ArabLit Quarterly and ArabLit Books, Morocco

ARP Books, Canada

Arsenal Pulp Press, Canada

Baraka Books, Québec, Canada

Between the Lines, Canada

Beyond the Pale Books, Ireland

Charles H. Kerr Publishing, US

Common Notions Press, US

Daraja Press, Canada

Écosociété, Québec, Canada & France

Editions du remue-menage, Québec, Canada

En Toutes Lettres, Morocco

Essay Press, US

Fernwood Publishing, Canada

Hajar Press, UK

Haymarket Books, US & UK

Interlink Publishing, US

Interventions, Australia

Invisible Publishing, Canada

Left Book Club, UK

LeftWord Books, India

Lux Éditeur, Québec & France

Manifest Llibres, Catalunya, Spain

Marjin Kiri, Indonesia

Mémoire d’encrier, Québec, Canada

Microcosm Publishing, US

OR Books, US

Pasado y Presente, Catalunya, Spain

Pluto Press, UK & US

Pluto Journals, Ltd., UK

PM Press, US & UK

Radical Books Collective, US

Roam Agency, US

Saqi Books, UK

Setu Prakashani, India

Stree Samya, India

Tilted Axis, UK

trace press, Canada

Tulika Books, India

Upping the Anti, Canada

Verso Books, US and UK

Verso Libros, Catalunya, Spain

Women Unlimited, India


Essay Press, US
Microcosm Publishing, US
Ketebe Publishing, Turkey
Out-Spoken Press, UK
dpr-barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
Seven Stories Press, US

The Hobbyhorse, US

AK Press, US & UK

Zand Press, Nairobi

Canadian Dimension, Canada
Shed publishing, France
Monthly Review, US
Communis Press, US
Tajfuny, Poland
Small Beer Press, US
Uitgeverij EPO, Belgium

Sin Permiso, Spain

CounterPunch, US
Sambasivan & Parikh, US
Pinhole Poetry, Canada
Assembly Press, Canada
Penerbit Anagram, Indonesia
Tanah Air Beta, Indonesia
POST Press, Indonesia
Bamboe Roentjing, Indonesia
Intensif Books, Indonesia
Basanti Press, India
Labirin Buku, Indonesia
Pustaka Bahamut, Indonesia
Svara, Malaysia
Puan Catra, Indonesia
Buku Fixi, Malaysia
Rotasi Books, Indonesia
Penerbit Buruan & Co., Indonesia
Yayasan Bentala, Indonesia
Penerbit Terang, Indonesia
Enggang Media Publisher, Indonesia
Ilhambookstore, Indonesia
Renard Press, UK
Entypois Publications , Greece
Zuka Books, Pakistan
Dalam dekapan cinta dan pembebasan, Indonesia
Fernwood Press, US
Three Essays Collective, India
Mascara Publishing, Australia
Cipher Press, UK
Antinomi, Indonesia
Mkuki na Nyota Publishers, Tanzania
Peninsula Press, UK
Edisi Mori, Indonesia
Editora Terra sem Amos, Brazil
Taipa Editorial, Brazil
Surrey Muse Arts Society, Canada
Grieveland, US
Bookmarks , UK
Anarasa, Indonesia
Vita Books, Kenya
BULANDU Publisher, Indonesia
Open Protest Network, UK
Arc Poetry Magazine, Canada
Sigikata, Indonesia
Penerbit Cerita Kata, Indonesia
Black Goddexx press, US
Pro You media , Indonesia
404 Ink, UK
Panitia Jumaahan, Indonesia
ContraEscritura, Spain
Rachna Books & Publications, India
Založba /*cf., Slovenia
Kedai Hitam Putih, Malaysia
Litani Literasi, Indonesia
The 87 Press, UK
IS Editora, Brazil
Cassava Republic Press, Nigeria & UK
Editora Faísca , Brazil
HOMEF books, Nigeria
Fahamu Africa, Senegal
Katarsis, Indonesia
Perpustakaan Online Genosida 1965-1966, Indonesia
Penerbit Partikular, Indonesia
Blaft Publications, India
Dahlia Books, UK
Pustakapedia, Indonesia
Turos Pustaka, Indonesia
Footnote Press, Indonesia
Divan Kitap, Turkey
Babil Kitap, Turkey
BPPM Balairung UGM, Indonesia
Les Pages Noires, Canada
Carnation Zine, Canada
Spectre Journal, US
Saffron Press, Canada
Penerbit Pelangi Sastra, Indonesia
Penerbit Shofia, Indonesia
Gantala Press, Philippines
Litwin Books, US
El Viejo Topo, Spain
Edicions del 1979, Catalunya
Icaria Editorial, Spain
Menino Morreu, Coruña, Galiza
Anti-Racism Daily, US
Skein Press, Ireland

Wasafiri Magazine, UK

Cyhoeddiadau’r Stamp, Wales
Editorial Imperdible, Spain
Edicions de la Ela Geminada, Spain
Librarie Saint-Henri Books , Canada
Kube Publishing, UK
Kimpa Vita Press & Publishers, Norway
Perspectives on Anarchist Theory, US
Diari Foll, Spain
Bentang Pustaka, Indonesia
Foundling Productions, UK
RDT_28 INSTITUTE, Indonesia
Midnight Sun Magazine, Canada
Book Works, UK
Brook , France
Editorial Traficantes de Sueños, Spain
Éditions Burn~Août, France
Capitán Swing Libros, Spain
Renebook, Indonesia
Éditions Hourra, France
On ne compte pas pour du beurre, France
Fomite Press, US
Post Fire Books, France
éditions trouble, France
Metonymy Press, Canada
Templando el acero, Spain
House House Press, Canada
Hors d’atteinte, France
Hungry Zine, Canada
Wendy’s Subway, US
Eyelevel Artist-Run Centre and Bookstore , Canada
Éditions Triptyque, Québec, Canada
Bell Press, Canada Hyphen, India
Radiant Press, Canada
Sinar Djaman, Indonesia
Noelia Gonzalez Barrancos, Andalusia, Spain
Magazine Ictus, France
Orciny Press, Spain
Knight Errant Press, Scotland
Les Editions Jimsaan, Sénégal
Peninsula Press, UK
Tumbalacasa Ediciones, Mexico
Barddas, Wales/Cymru
Makina Books , UK
Silver Press, UK
Ignota Books, UK
La Garúa Poesía, Spain
Metatron Press, Canada

Launch of After All Was Lost by Alice Nsabimana, Sat. Sept 16 at 1:30 pm

(Montréal, 7 septembre, 2023) – Baraka Books will launch After All Was Lost, The Resilience of a Rwandan Family Orphaned on April 6, 1994 when the Rwandan President’s Plane was Shot Down by Alice Nsabimana on Saturday, September 16, from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm at the Centre Saint-Pierre, 1212, rue Panet (métro Beaudry), Montreal. Both the author and the translator, Maurice Nsabimana, will be in attendance. Everybody is welcome.

First published in French under the title Résilience, After All Was Lost is an outstretched hand bearing a message of love, peace, forgiveness, and resilience for victims of war or other disasters in the world. The highlights and life lessons that Alice Nsabimana and her brothers and sisters have chosen to share cast new light on the terrible tragedy that struck Rwanda – and the world.

Please register by Rsvp at For those who cannot attend, the launch will be live streamed. You can request the link at also at

Livres Baraka inc. lancera After All Was Lost, The Resilience of a Rwandan Family Orphaned on April 6, 1994 when the Rwandan President’s Plane was Shot Down d’Alice Nsabimana le samedi 16 septembre de 13 h 30 à 16 h 30 au Centre Saint-Pierre, 1212, rue Panet (métro Beaudry), à Montréal. L’auteure and le traducteur, Maurice Nsabimana seront présents. Tout le monde est le bienvenu.

Paru d’abord en Belgique sous le titre Résilience, le livre est une main tendue portant un message d’amour, de paix de pardon et de résilience pour les victimes de guerres ou autres catastrophes dans le monde. Les événements et leçons que Alice Nsabimana et ses frères et sœurs partagent jettent un nouvel éclairage sur la tragédie qui a frappé le Rwanda – et le monde.

On vous invite à vous inscrire par Rsvp à Pour ceux et celles qui ne peuvent y assister, le lancement sera diffusée en direct sur Zoom. Vous pouvez obtenir le lien en le demandant à

Source: Baraka Books