Baraka Books | Proudly Going Where Others Fear to Tread

Look For This Sign, Booth 108
Baraka Books is pleased to announce that we will be present at the Toronto International Book Fair, Nov. 13-16 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (N. Building). (Opening hours: 10 am to 8 pm, Friday through Sunday.)
Look for us at Booth 108 where we will be teamed up with A Different Booklist and Caribbean Book Fair. The University of the West Indies Press will also be exhibiting their books. You’ll find all kinds of books on Africa, Black History and Culture, Quebec history and politics, Indigenous Peoples’ history, and much much more. This booklist will be DIFFERENT.
Below are just a few of the titles that we will be featuring. For more on these books just flip through our Catalogue.
Some of our authors will be present for book signings. We hope to see you there. And please tell your Toronto friends about it.
Justice Belied, The Unbalanced Scales of International Criminal Justice, Sébastien Chartrand & John Philpot, Editors
Slouching Towards Sirte, NATO’S War on Libya and Africa, by Maximilian Forte
Barack Obama and the Jim Crow Media, The Return of the Nigger Breakers, by Ishmael Reed
Dying to Live, A Rwandan Family’s Five-Year Flight Across the Congo, by Pierre-Claver Ndacyayisenga
Challenging the Mississippi Firebombers, Memories of Mississippi, 1964-65, by Jim Dann
The Question of Separatism, Quebec and the Struggle over Sovereignty, by Jane Jacobs
America’s Gift, What the World Owes to the America’s and Their First Inhabitants, by Käthe Roth and Denis Vaugeois
Trudeau’s Darkest Hour, War Measures in Time of Peace, October 1970, Guy Bouthillier, Édouard Cloutier, editors
Journey to the Heart of the First Peoples Collections, Musées de la civilisation
Rwanda and the New Scramble for Africa, From Tragedy to Useful Imperial Fiction, by Robin Philpot
The History of Montréal, The Story of a Great North American City, by Paul-André Linteau
A People’s History of Quebec, by Jacques Lacoursière
An Independent Quebec, The Past, the Present and the Future, by Jacques Parizeau
Hanging Fred and a Few Others, Painters of the Eastern Townships, by Nick Fonda
Going Too Far, Essays on America’s Nervous Breakdown, by Ishmael Reed
The Franz Boas Enigma, Inuit, Arctic, and Sciences, by Ludger Müller-Wille
The Raids, Volume 1 of the Nickel Range Trilogy, Mick Lowe
Principals and Other Schoolyard Bullies, Short Stories by Nick Fonda
I Hate Hockey, by François Barcelo
21 Days in October, by Magali Favre (Young Adult)
The Adventures of Radisson 1, Hell Never Burns, by Martin Fournier (Young Adult)
Robin Philpot, Publisher