Winner of John Glassco Literary Translation Prize 2011
Casey Roberts was awarded the prestigious John Glassco Literary Translation Prize 2011 for his translation of Sylvain Hotte’s prize-winning young adult novel Break Away, Jessie on My Mind published in May 2011. The prize was presented to Casey at a Gala on September 25, 2011 organized by the Literary Translators’ Association of Canada/L’association des traducteurs et traductrices littéraires du Canada.
“In this young adult novel about hockey, love and the wilderness, the translator met the challenge of rendering the teenage narrator’s lively and quirky voice in a faithful yet inventive idiom. Break Away, Jessie on My Mind is a re-creation that reads as smoothly as the original” – The Jury.
Jury Members consisted of Sheila Fischman, Nelly Roffé and Lori Saint-Martin and was chaired by Karin Montin.
Break Away, Jessie on My Mind is the Translation of Sylvain Hotte’s Panache (Vol. 1 of Aréna), Les Intouchables, 2009).

Casey Roberts and Jury President Karin Montin at John Glassco Award Gala
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