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Pub date, 1 Oct. 2024 – Pre-order now. Free shipping in North America

Cate, 43, is a university professor in an unfulfilling marriage. When Nuna, the young Inuk woman she mentors, disappears, Cate and her new friend, Isabel, 28, set out on a journey to find her. On the road, their friendship is tested, Nuna remains elusive, and Cate must contend with her ever-demanding husband who wants her to come home. As lead after lead falls through and the search reaches a critical impasse, Cate makes an important decision to stop living for others and finally live life on her own terms. Without knowing it, Cate has made the same decision that Nuna had when she left Montreal.

Set in Montreal, Ottawa and Nunavik (Northern Quebec), Looking for Her explores the intersecting lives of three women in search of themselves.



Carolyn Marie Souaid is the Montreal-based author of nine poetry collections and the acclaimed novel, Yasmeen Haddad Loves Joanasi Maqaittik set in Nunavik (Northern Canada), where she lived and worked for three years in the 1980s. Author of nine poetry collections, Carolyn has performed at literary events in Canada and abroad. Her work garnered a top prize at the 2012 Berlin Zebra Poetry Film Festival Her literary papers (1967–2022) are housed in the Rare Books and Special Collections of McGill University’s McLennan Library.

About Carolyn Souaid’s first novel

“Her language naturally pairs with the physicality of the story … Unsettling realism is enhanced by Souaid’s understanding of the complications of race and complicity.”  Starred Review, Foreword Reviews

“Carolyn Marie Souaid has a brave honest voice and a love for northern Canada and its people that is genuinely moving to read about.” Tomson Highway

Yasmeen Haddad Loves Joanasi Maqaittik is the lyrical and absorbing result of a sincere mission to come to grips with another culture. That it took decades to commit to the writing is a tale in itself.” Ian McGillis, The Montreal Gazette


Pub date, 1 Oct. 2024 – Pre-order now. Free shipping in North America

Products of popular culture, romance novels have been largely devalued and scorned by cultural gatekeepers. Yet they lend themselves to a historical analysis of how societies attribute a precise place to the impulses of love and codify its manifestations.

This book is based on the premise that love is not as spontaneous and free as one would have us believe. While it is true that love exists in all human communities, not all communities love in the same way. The words used to speak of love, which simultaneously reveal and censor, inform and sublimate, channel and repress the stirrings of the heart, are chosen according to everchanging social and cultural norms.

Love stories or romans d’amour are among the most widely read and appreciated by all classes of society and have been continually revisited and reinvented over time. The capacity for renewal in such a rigidly codified genre is nothing short of amazing, as is the resulting diversity of content.

Love Stories Now and Then is the first comprehensive survey of Quebec and French-Canadian romance novels. It tackles questions that everybody asks. What is “love at first sight”? How do class, national, religion, and race influence choice of partners? What are the rules to flirting? What are the limits to expressing one’s desires? What are people’s expectations in marriage? What is the place of sexuality and how does it differ in French and English culture in North America?

This book challenges many of our assumptions about romance novels and offers a compelling glimpse into people’s dreams and fantasies of love over the past two centuries.

Marie-Pier Luneau is Full Professor in the Département des Arts, langues et littératures at the Université de Sherbrooke where she has taught Quebec literature for more than 20 years. Currently director of the Groupe de recherches et d’études sur le livre au Québec (GRÉLQ), she co-founded and co-manages the international journal Mémoires du livre / Studies in Book Culture. An award-winning author and researcher, she has published books on authorship, on the history of publishing in Quebec, and more recently on the history of popular literature and in particular romance novels. Marie-Pier Luneau lives in Kingsey Falls, Québec.

Jean-Philippe Warren is Professor of Sociology and Concordia University and a member of the Royal Society of Canada. Co-director of the “Democracy and Pluralism” section of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Diversity and Democracy, he is the author more than 300 articles on many subjects linked to the development of Quebec and Canada. He is the recipient of several awards and distinctions including the Governor General’s Award for Nonfiction (2015) and the Canada Prize in the Humanities and Social Sciences for the best scholarly book (2019). Jean-Philippe Warren lives in Montreal.



Pub date, 1 Oct. 2024 – Pre-order now. Free shipping in North America

In a rich, diversified and international career, Carla Blank has been dramaturge, choreographer, stage director, writer, art and architecture critic, defender of women’s rights and of a multicultural America, and more. Fortunately, she has recorded much of her experience in essays now gathered in a single volume.

From her role as stage director in Ramallah through a searing critique of bigotry on Broadway, the storming of the old boys’ citadel in architecture, a fine analysis of great women dancers and choreographers, such as the late great Suzushi Hanayagi, to the taking down of “mainstream” cultural historians on abstract art and postmodernism, Carla Blank brilliantly puts words to what the “ocean” of multicultural America feels.

In an exclusive interview with her partner Ishmael Reed, we learn how a curious young Jewish woman from Pittsburgh developed into a committed and eloquent public intellectual.

A Renaissance woman, Carla Blank has distinguished herself as a dancer, choreographer, author, director, dramaturge, teacher, editor, journalist, and Jazz musician (violinist). She has written or edited five books, including Bigotry on Broadway, Storming the Old Boys’ Citadel, and Rediscovering America: The Making of Multicultural America, 1900-2000. In dance, she has collaborated with directors/designers or choreographers such as Robert Wilson and Suzushi Hanayagi. In theater, she has directed plays and multimedia performances in many cities in the United States, in China, in West Bank Palestinian cities, including at the Palestinian National Theatre in Jerusalem. Her articles have appeared in publications including The Wall Street Journal, the San Francisco Chronicle, and  El Païs (Spain). Carla Blank lives in Oakland.


Praise and Reviews

On Bigotry on Broadway

“Blank and Reed offer an incisive, critical take on Broadway’s past and present; discuss an alternative vision that incorporates the perspectives missing from Broadway; and look toward a more inclusive future. A book for all readers interested in the history of Broadway musicals, theater criticism, and the role of whiteness in Broadway’s misrepresentations.” Library Journal

On Rediscovering America

“An effective, valuable historical reference work. A worthwhile acquisition for academic, public, and high school libraries.”  Library Journal

On Storming the Old Boys’ Citadel

“Books like this one are vital in highlighting what our history notes have left out. They remind us to redefine our views and question our records. If we need to redefine the history of architecture today, let it include women.” Montreal Review of Books


1                 Author Carla Blank Interviewed by Ishmael Reed

2                Postmodernism

3                Whose Abstract Art?

4                America the Beautiful

5                 Elvis Presley: King or Apprentice?

6                Neglecting a Grand Old Lady

7                 A new New Deal for the Arts

8                When Kabuki is Not Kabuki

9                Apollo Could Be a Bitch

10              How Buffalo’s Lafayette Hotel Went from Fleabag to Fabulous

11               The Education of Paul Ryan

12              Storming the Old Boys’ Citadel

13              Prince: Dance and Pain

14              Purging History: Was Orlando Really the Worst Massacre in U.S. History?

15               The Sorrows of Young Alfonso by Rudolfo Anaya

16              Suzushi Hanayagi at Mulhouse

17               L’arte è per 1’1% ispirazione e per il 99% duro lavoro /Art is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration, an interview with Carla Blank by Corinne Bergamini

18              Old in Art School: A Memoir of Starting Over by Nell Painter

19              The Resurrection of Sister Aimee

20              A Grande Dame of Dance

21              Is Broadway About Dollars and Cents

22              Public Purpose, Public Art

23              Finding Nature in a Built Environment

24              A Jew in Ramallah


BLOSSOM THOM 1967 – 2024 – May she rest in peace!

(16 April 2024) – Baraka Books has just learned with extreme sadness that Blossom Thom, Fiction Editor at Baraka Books, passed away this morning after a short but courageous fight against a very aggressive form of cancer. She will be sorely missed.

Our most sincere condolences go out to her family and many friends. We will be communicating more news and a homage in coming days

Robin Philpot, Publisher

Quebec Authors photographed at Quebec Writer’s Federation May 15, 2010


Pub date, 1 Oct. 2024 – Pre-order now. Free shipping in North America.

Autoworkers in Oshawa unionized the General Motors plant in Oshawa in 1937 after a bitterly fought strike that pitted them against a rabidly anti-union government, hostile press and GM corporation. It was a major turning point in Canadian labour history. Crucial factors contributing to the strike’s success include the historical background of working-class struggle in the community, patient and courageous prior organizing by Communists, the engaged leadership of rank-and-file GM workers, and the solid support of the United Autoworkers International Union.

The author focuses on the voices and actions of rank-and-file workers and on the day-to-day events, many of which have been misunderstood or misinterpreted.

The Truth About the ’37 Oshawa GM Strike takes down the long-accepted—but false—narrative espoused by Irving Abella that the Oshawa workers were “on their own” without significant support from the UAW/CIO leadership and that they would have been better off not to organize under the banner of an international union. It also shows how that narrative fails to grasp the degree to which class struggle organizing principles were crucial to the strike’s success.

A true understanding of the ’37 strike provides valuable lessons for people seeking to revive the labour movement today.

Tony Leah is a long-time union activist with experience in bargaining, shop-floor representation, labor education, and political mobilization. A maintenance and construction welder with GM, Oshawa for nearly 40 years, he has held many positions within the Auto Workers Union at both Oshawa Local 222 and on the Canadian national level. Editor and author of many articles on labor history and activities, Tony Leah holds an MA in Labor Studies from McMaster University. He lives in Toronto.

Praise and reviews

“[A] remarkable piece of research… a real substantial original contribution to the historiography of not just the Local but of the history of the UAW and the CAW in Canada.” Professor Stephanie Ross, McMaster University School of Labour Studies.

“This really needs to be seen, in part because it offers an important re-interpretation of this event in Canadian labour history… beautifully crafted…. It’s clear, it’s thorough. It reads almost like a novel.” Wayne Lewchuk, Professor Emeritus, McMaster University School of Labour Studies

LAUNCH/Lancement-BUT WE BUILT ROADS FOR THEM by Francesco Filippi

The Italian Cultural Institute and Baraka Books are pleased to invite you to the launch of
The Lies, Racism and Amnesia that Bury Italy’s Colonial Past
translation of:
Noi Però Gli Abbiamo Fatto Le Strade
Le colonie italiane tra bugie, razzismi e amnesie

Translated by Domenic Cusmano
A discussion about Italy’s colonial history.

Tuesday, March 19, 6:30 p.m.

Istituto Italiano di Cultura
1200, av. Dr. Penfield, Montréal

Author Francesco Filippi will be present at the Institute and will be speaking to the public in Italian with consecutive interpretation in French. The discussion will be moderated by Dario Brancato, Professor of Italian Language, Literature and Culture and Concordia. Translator Domenic Cusmano and Publisher Robin Philpot will also take part.


L’Institut Culturel Italien et Baraka Books ont le plaisir de vous inviter au lancement du livre
The Lies, Racism and Amnesia that Bury Italy’s Colonial Past

traduction de:
Noi Però Gli Abbiamo Fatto Le Strade
Le colonie italiane tra bugie, razzismi e amnesie

Traduit par Domenic Cusmano

Une discussion sur le passé colonial italien.

L’auteur, Francesco Filippi, sera présent à l’Institut pour une rencontre avec le public en langue italienne, avec traduction consécutive en français. L’entretien sera animé par Dario Brancato, professeur de langue, littérature et culture italiennes à l’Université Concordia, avec le traducteur du livre, Domenic Cusmano et de l’éditeur Robin Philpot.

Mardi, le 19 mars, 18h30

Istituto Italiano di Cultura
1200, av. Dr. Penfield, Montréal


Melissa Bull Appointed Fiction Editor of QC Fiction

(Montreal, 26 February 2024.) Robin Philpot, publisher of Baraka Books, is very pleased to announce the appointment of Melissa Bull to the position of Fiction Editor of QC Fiction, an imprint of Baraka Books. Melissa will be taking over from Peter McCambridge, who founded QC Fiction in 2015 and headed it until January 2024.

In this position, Melissa’s responsibilities will include curating the publishing of fiction at QC Fiction from choice of books, through editing, proofreading, production, and post-publishing follow-up.

Melissa Bull has just finished translating the award-winning novel Morel (Cheval d’août, 2021) by Maxime Raymond Bock, to be published by QC Fiction in June 2024.

Melissa joins the Baraka team that includes Blossom Thom, Fiction Editor of Baraka Books, Josée Lalancette, Production Manager, and Hélène Couture, Accountant, and Robin Philpot, Publisher.

Baraka Books would like to thank Peter McCambridge for creating QC Fiction and for curating it for seven years and making it into the award-winning imprint it is. We wish him all the best in is future endeavours.


Melissa Bull is a Montreal writer, poet, editor, and translator. Author of a collection of fiction, The Knockoff Eclipse, a collection of poetry, Rue, she has also translated Marie-Sissi Labrèche’s novel, Borderline, Pascale Rafie’s play, The Baklawa Recipe, and Nelly Arcan’s collection, Burqa of Skin. She was the editor and translator of Maisonneuve magazine’s “Writing from Quebec” column for a decade, and her fiction, essays, and interviews have been widely published. Her most recent translation is Morel by Maxime Raymond Bock. Melissa lives in Montreal.

QC Fiction, an imprint of Baraka Books founded by Peter McCambridge in 2015, brings the very best of a new generation of Quebec storytellers in flawless English translation.

Baraka Books, a Quebec-based English-language book publisher, is celebrating its 15th anniversary. Specializing in creative and political non-fiction, history, fiction and historical fiction, and, we believe that books are a haven of freedom and remain the foremost vector for change. Baraka can mean blessing, wisdom, luck, and more. Inspired by this multilingual and cross-cultural word, Baraka Books is committed to providing English-speaking readers in Canada and worldwide with ideas, points of view, and creative works that might otherwise be overlooked because of cultural or linguistic barriers.

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Source : Robin Philpot 514-808-8504

Melissa Bull nommée directrice littéraire de QC Fiction

(Montréal, le 26 février 2024.) Robin Philpot, éditeur de Livres Baraka Inc., a le plaisir d’annoncer la nomination de Melissa Bull au poste de directrice littéraire de QC Fiction, une collection de Baraka Books. Melissa prend ainsi le relais de Peter McCambridge, qui a fondé la collection en 2015 et l’a dirigée depuis.

À ce titre, parmi ses responsabilités figurent le choix des œuvres à publier, le travail d’édition, de correction, et le suivi de la production jusqu’à la publication et la promotion.

Melissa Bull vient de terminer la traduction de Morel (Cheval d’août, 2021) de Maxime Raymond Bock, un roman qui a mérité de nombreux prix et distinctions. Morel  paraîtra chez QC Fiction en juin 2024.

Melissa se joint à l’équipe de Baraka, qui comprend notamment Robin Philpot, éditeur, Blossom Thom, éditrice de fiction, Josée Lalancette, directrice de production, Hélène Couture, comptable, et.

Livres Baraka tient à remercier chaleureusement Peter McCambridge d’avoir créé la collection QC Fiction et de l’avoir dirigée durant ces sept années où elle a gagné en reconnaissance grâce aux nombreux prix et distinctions que ses livres ont reçues. Nous lui souhaitons bonne chance dans ses nouveaux projets.


Melissa Bull est une écrivaine, poète, éditrice et traductrice montréalaise. Auteure d’un recueil de fictions, The Knockoff Eclipse (Éclipse électrique) et d’un recueil de poésie, Rue, elle a également traduit le roman Borderline de Marie-Sissi Labrèche, la pièce de théâtre La recette de baklawas de Pascale Rafie, ainsi que le recueil Burqa de chair de Nelly Arcan. Elle a été rédactrice et traductrice de la rubrique « Writing from Quebec » du magazine Maisonneuve pendant dix ans, et ses fictions, essais et entrevues ont été diffusés dans de nombreuses publications. Sa plus récente traduction est le roman Morel de Maxime Raymond Bock. Melissa vit à Montréal.

QC Fiction, une collection de Livres Baraka fondée en 2015 par Peter McCambridge, publie les meilleures œuvres d’une nouvelle génération d’écrivaines et d’écrivains du Québec dans des traductions impeccables.

Les livres Baraka, une maison d’édition québécoise qui publie des livres en anglais, célèbre cette année son 15e anniversaire. Publiant des essais politiques et littéraires, des fictions historiques et contemporaines, nous croyons que le livre est un havre de liberté et demeure le plus important vecteur du changement. Baraka signifie, selon la langue, la bénédiction, la sagesse ou la chance. Inspirés par ce mot qui traverse langues et cultures, nous nous engageons à offrir aux lecteurs et aux lectrices de langue anglaise au Canada et partout des idées, des points de vue et des œuvres de création qui, autrement, pourraient passer inaperçues en raison de barrières linguistiques et culturelles.

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Source : Robin Philpot 514-808-8504

Baraka Books acknowledges the support of the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles du Québec (SODEC), the Government of Quebec Tax Credits program, and the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund.

Livres Baraka remercie pour leur soutien la Société de développement des entreprises culturelles du Québec (SODEC), le Gouvernement du Québec pour le programme de crédits d’impôt et le Gouvernement du Canada par le biais du Fonds du livre du Canada.


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