Canada’s Long Fight Against Democracy

Now available Canada’s Long Fight against Democracy is a sweeping overview of Canadian-backed coups since 1950. It documents Canada’s contribution to the ouster of over 20 elected governments from Mohammad Mossadegh in Iran to Patrice Lumumba in Congo, Salvador Allende in Chile and Jean Bertrand Aristide in Haiti. As part of subverting democracy, Ottawa has cut off aid… Read more »


Available, Free shipping in North America Muddy boots, cold hands, a pocket full of fossils, a mind full of existential questions. These beautifully illustrated stories of natural history in nineteenth-century Canada are about the curious men and women who crossed the oceans from Europe to explore, map, draw, puzzle about, collect and exhibit nature in… Read more »

Keep My Memory Safe

Free shipping in North America. Stephanie Chitpin was born in Hong Kong to unwed parents. A few days later, an infant girl in a woven straw basket was transported illegally to the island of Mauritius off the coast of Africa by Ah Pak, head nun of a Buddhist temple with the help of Mr. Chui,… Read more »

The Plains of Abraham

British troops was Major General James Wolfe, while the Marquis de Montcalm was at the head of the French forces. The British were victorious and five days later Quebec, the Capital of New France, surrendered. That storied battle still resonates. The surprise landing of British troops combined with the short duration of the battle and… Read more »

The History of Montréal

Montreal is one of those unique cities at the crossroads of history. Paul-André Linteau’s The History of Montréal provides essential background for both Montrealers and all those who will converge on the city to celebrate the 375th anniversary of the founding of Montreal in 1642. Montreal has always intrigued. For centuries, people have written, talked,… Read more »

The Question of Separatism

Baraka Books proudly offers readers a new edition of her third, least-known book to mark that anniversary. Undeniably a genius on urban issues, Jane Jacobs also grappled with the question of nations and political sovereignty. Out of print since the mid 80s, The Question of Separatism, Quebec and the struggle over sovereignty now includes a… Read more »

Rwanda and the New Scramble for Africa

“… essential reading.” Edward S. Herman An accepted narrative holds that horrible Rwandan Hutu génocidaires planned and executed a satanic scheme to eliminate nearly a million Tutsis after a mysterious plane crash killed the former president of Rwanda on April 6, 1994. Yet former UN Secretary General Boutros-Ghali says, “the Rwandan genocide was 100 percent… Read more »

The Riot that Never Was

“The Riot that Never Was provides a striking portrayal of mid-nineteenth-century Montreal: the vigorous debates that raged in Patriote and Conservative newspapers, the hot fighting during elections that often degenerated into open conflict between the Canadiens, the Irish, and the English, and the recurrent epidemics like the cholera epidemic in 1832. (…) Jackson brilliantly establishes… Read more »

A People’s History of Quebec

This lively guide to Quebec history tells the fascinating story of the settlement of the St. Lawrence River Valley over nearly 500 years. But it also tells of the Montreal and Quebec-based explorers and traders who travelled, mapped, and inhabited most of North America, and embrothered the peoples they met. Combining vast research and great… Read more »