Scandinavian Common Sense

When some claim austerity is the only answer to today’s economic woes, a close look at the best practices in Scandinavia and Finland gives pause for thought. Cited as models for their egalitarian social and health policies, these countries also have thriving economies where the gap dividing rich from poor is smaller than elsewhere. Despite… Read more »

Speak to Me in Indian

“a simple yet devastatingly beautiful account of human life…”  Life in Quebec Shane Bearskin, a Cree from James Bay, and Theresa Wawati, an Algonquin from Northern Quebec, are united by a profound love and a visceral attachment to their cultural heritage. Both have experienced the challenges that face so many young people from indigenous communities…. Read more »

Exhilarating Prose

This smartly illustrated literary miscellanea will pique the interest of English prose enthusiasts everywhere. From “Dead Language – the Speaks” (e.g. ad-speak, etc.) to “Re-writing – Again?” and “Rules – Must We Obey?” authors Healey and Strube scrutinize prose in its various forms to reflect on what constitutes distinctive writing, and why. Included are samples… Read more »

Rebel Priest in the Time of Tyrants

An extraordinary testimony by Claude Lacaille, a Quebec missionary fighting for social justice in Haiti, Ecuador and Chile. This is Lacaille’s first-hand account of the extraordinary oppression and poverty he witnessed in Haiti, Ecuador, and Chile between 1965 and 1986 where thousands shed blood simply for resisting oppressive regimes, politics and economic doctrines. The men and women… Read more »

The Insatiable Maw

Jake McCool, the injured hard-rock miner introduced in The Raids (Vol. 1), returns to work for INCO, but now at its nearby Copper Cliff smelter complex. In no time, he finds himself embroiled in a vicious fight over health and safety. Particularly alarming are the extreme levels of sulphur dioxide that poison the air in… Read more »

Journey to the Heart of the First Peoples Collections

“Indeed, the book is a treasure trove of information, with 15 essays about the collection and hundreds of illustrations, all with explanations of what the object depicted was used for. It also contains footnotes to more references, and a long bibliography.” John Pohl, The Montreal Gazette Journey to the Heart of the First Peoples Collections reveals… Read more »

Storming the Old Boys’ Citadel

“Women” and “architecture” were once mutually exclusive terms. In an 1891 address, Louise Blanchard Bethune declared, “it is hardly safe to assert” that a connection even exists between the two words. Some women didn’t agree.

Justice Belied

An aura of respectability hovers over international criminal tribunals. “Undeservedly,” say many practitioners who bring to bear hard facts and penetrating analysis. African jurists, who are rarely consulted, describe the nearly exclusive focus on Africa as “demeaning,” “condescending,” and “neo-colonial posturing.” International criminal law has also been touted as a means to fight impunity and… Read more »

Le référendum volé

Le 30 octobre 2015, il y aura 20 ans que le Québec est passé à un cheveu de devenir un pays libre et souverain. Jacques Parizeau, qui a incarné l’espoir de millions de Québécois, nous a quittés en juin sans avoir gagné le combat de sa vie. Mais son départ représente le début d’un nouveau… Read more »

The Adventures of Radisson 2

After spending two years with his new Iroquois family as described in Volume 1, Pierre-Esprit Radisson escapes and sails across the Atlantic to Holland before boarding ship to head down the west coast of France. Using his wits and the skills picked up in the New World, he makes his way up the Loire and… Read more »